Week 11

Toy story 2 fixing woody - YouTube
Fixing Woody, the scene my friend recreated
Sound is something in film that definitely doesn't get appreciated as much as it should. I would also say even though I'm relatively experienced at video making, sound is one aspect I would love to expand my knowledge in. For the fascination project, there was a single piece of audio we filmed separately that I fit in in the editing process. I've only edited a few videos where the sound was recorded on a separate device from the camera, and honestly, I liked it. It adds a layer to my editing process. I have a friend who's majoring in audio engineering, and it really is a lot of work, but it also is so fun! He was telling me about an assignment that he had where he had to completely produce his own audio of a movie clip. His clip was from Toy Story, and it turned out really cool. His friend did some voice acting, and the ambient/relevant sounds he used objects for. If he hadn't told me he produced the audio, I wouldn't have even known. 

For my Fascination Project, I didn't have to do any acting because I was doing the shooting and editing. But for my video storytelling class, I did have to do some acting. Acting is something I always thought I wasn't the best at, but I believe it really isn't too difficult especially if you don't think about it that much.  With the power of editing, that can play a role into how well the actor looks as well. Check out my most recent project! I've become much more comfortable with being an actor and not cringing as much as I used to, and am decently happy with the way this turned out. 

To add onto this, I've noticed over the years that iPhones have increased in camera quality quite a bit. While it is nice (and convenient), I will say I prefer having a video camera instead. I don't want video cameras to go out of practice because of phone quality being equivalent, I'm definitely more conservative in that aspect. Cameras should stay where they are! Though so far for that class, I've shot all the videos on my phone because my phone has cinematic mode. It makes my life easy, and I can still get great shots with it, but for my next project I decided to shoot it with an actual video camera. It's something I have to get used to, because in the industry they don't shoot films with their phones. 

Overall, I'm happy with the was our FP turned out. It got good feedback, plus it was nice having the two different versions and seeing which people preferred better. The music along with the editing of the clips fit so well together. Horror is not a genre I've explored before, which is the main reason I chose the genre. After the project, it made me realize that horror is not hard to execute. It doesn't have to be all jump scares, there are a lot of other things that go into horror films. I definitely want to explore the genre more and make some more horror films!


  1. Nice short film! It's a great exercise in discovering how acting *can* be just "not thinking about it," but also, HOW HARD IS THAT?! I love your musical choices for the short. Great job!


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