Week 15

The Social Dilemma - Wikipedia
The Social Dilemma is a great film. It's very exposing of things we as consumers were always suspicious of, and I think that's why it has good ratings. It takes a lot of courage to expose the company you used to work for, and I appreciate the balls all these people had. Though they all no longer work for their company, it's still something that could potentially see consequences. Aside from that, I think the film did an amazing job of telling the story of many people. I'm personally not someone who cares too much about how I look, but I am someone who uses social on a daily basis. I honestly didn't realize until recently how much of a toll social media has had on my mental health. I've recently stopped using Twitter, honestly because it was pointless and I didn't use it much to begin with. I've also deactivated my personal Instagram, because it made my anxiety spike and is just not something of my best interest right now. 

I do, however, still have my professional account up! I'm much happier and comfortable on that account. I think a lot of people don't realize, even if you're not an influencer, you can still develop that "online persona". That's how I became on my personal account, and that along with other factors was not good for me. On my professional account I feel like I can be myself, and I'm not scared to share things on there. And I think that also has to do with the fact that that account consists of my main passion in life.

I think everyone should take a break from at least one form of social media at least once in their life. I didn't realize how bad it was for me until I actually took a step back from it. That's probably the case for a lot of people. It's not something we all like talking about, but it is something that we all should be aware of. It's a known fact that social media seems to do a lot of harm to us, so it's in our best interest that we all take a step back and think about it. And that's another reason why this is a good film. It talks about something we're all afraid to talk about. Taking that step to bring up this conversation has a big impact on people.

For my final project in my video storytelling class, I decided to talk about the issue of sexual assault on campus. I focused on the way North Central handles those situations, and asked for students feedback on these topics. If you're interested, here is the link to the film if you want to check it out. Enjoy (as much as you can.. it's a sensitive topic). 


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