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Week 16

I'll be honest, initially I was iffy about this class, I thought it was going to be annoying and boring but it was quite the opposite! I'm so glad I got a great professor and a relatively large class. The things we discussed in class were interesting and I had lots of things to say about them. I was also exposed to films I'd never seen before, which was also something I enjoyed! I like that a lot of the work was analyzing and reflecting on films and theories, which I haven't taken a lot of time to do prior to this class.  One of my favorite screenings was Rear Window. It sparked my interest in viewing older films, and James Stewart as an actor. I was so invested in the film I couldn't wait to come back to the next class sessions to see what happened! I enjoyed this film so much I showed it to my mom, and she also loved it. Because of this, I also watched Vertigo also directed by Alfred Hitchcock starring James Stewart. Another screening I liked was Jaws. A classic,

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